Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor
Fresh for Rotting Vegetables
Dead Kennedys - Buzzbomb From Pasadena
Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death
Alternative Tentacles
Dead Kennedys - Moon Over Marin
Plastc Surgery Desasters
Alternative Tentacles
Disposable heroes of Hiphoprisy - California Über Alles
Virus 100
Alternative Tentacles
Lard - Power of Lard
The Power of Lard EP
Alternative Tentacles
Jello Biafra with NoMeanNo - Chew
The Sky Is Falling And I Want My Mommy
Alternative Tentacles
Tumor Circus - Turn Off The Respirator
Alternative Tentacles
Godspeed You1 Black Emperor - We Drift Like Worried Fire
Allelujah! Don´t Bend! Ascend!
Godspeed You1 Black Emperor - Mladic
Allelujah! Don´t Bend! Ascend!